Friday, September 5, 2008

Meeting with the surgeon

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7

I don't really dig Saturday Night Live at all. However, I do like the newscast thing, especially when they do their "Really? I mean really?" segment. And as i read this Scripture I think "Really? Really, I'm not supposed to be anxious about anything?" I get anxious about a lot of things. But honestly, God's Word is so very true. As I present my requests to Him (and sincerely thank you, Lord, for not getting annoyed by my same requests over and over again), especially with thanksgiving, a peace that transcends worldly understanding guards my heart and more amazingly my mind. So, to You, my King, I will continue to come.

We met with the surgeon today, Dr. Eric N. Mendeloff. The consult went wonderfully. Dr. Mendeloff is warm, friendly, and compassionate (a trait that often is hard to fine in doctors unfortunately). He had a calm confidence but no hint of arrogance. He is extremely good at what he does and I am extremely grateful for that. He walked us through how the heart works, why Reese needs surgery, what he would do during the surgery, what to expect afterwards, etc. I asked him how many of these he had done, and he looked at me reassuringly and said, "I can't give you an exact number, but it is in the thousands." Words that soothe my soul. Even more soothing were the words every parent is desparate to hear in this situation. "I will take very, very good care of her." My baby girl isn't just another heart to him; he recognizes she is one of my greatest gifts.

So, I'd like to present my list of thanksgivings. God has much glory to be received through all of this:

  1. How God has made our bodies to work like they do is the coolest

  2. God has protected Reesie from sickness and symptoms of heart failure (they had always said her hole was pretty large and today I asked how big. Y'all, Reese's heart is a little bigger (because it is enlarged) than the size of her fist and her hole is almost as big as a dime!....that God has taken care of her so well this far is such a humbling blessing

  3. we live in an age where they can actually put the heart to sleep and operate on it

  4. she doesn't have any damage to her heart or lungs that won't be reversed

  5. we live in a country where medical care like this is a possibility

  6. God has gifted doctors to be able to perform surgeries of this kind

  7. I am in a city where I can be close to home and my children to have this taken care of

  8. we have good health insurance (I know from my friend's little girls open heart surgery that this surgery will cost in the range of $450,000) and can afford to have our little girl taken care of

  9. our insurance told us the hospital is listed as an Institute of Excellence for this type of surgery for Reese. Only 14 other hospitals in the country are listed as such, and Dr. Mendeloff is ranked one of the top surgeons for this

  10. we have lots of people who care about us and are praying

  11. my Dad and Jason's parents will come in for the surgery

  12. the chance of something going wrong is less than 1% (music to my ears as well)

  13. Reese will be able to live a normal, active, and healthy life

  14. the Lord is in control

So while not my first choice in how things would go, my heart has been overflowing with thankfulness to the Lord today. This doesn't mean we don't have to keep praying, God tells us to present our requests to Him. So please, please pray for the surgery to go without any complication and for God's hand to guide Dr. Mendeloff's and for Reese to heal quickly and properly, and be blessed with a long and healthy life. The surgery will be at 6am on Thursday, Septemeber 18th. Please write it on your calendars and pray; put our Reese on your prayer chains, but as you pray thank Him for what He has done already. And from our family, sincere thank yous for praying for sweet Reese Ellery. She is precious to us.


Jon and Brittany said...

September 18 is Jon's birthday, so I can DEFINITELY remember to be praying for you guys and for Reese.

That verse from Philippians has always been such an encouragement to me during times of uncertainty. It takes so much faith to leave our worries with the Lord, but he always shows himself so trustworthy! I'll be praying that he will continue to prove himself trustworthy to you and Jason. Love you!

About the Company said...

I will definitely continue praying for you guys and for precious Reese. I am so thankful for meeting you guys. You are such an amazing person and such a blessing. Please let me know if you guys need anything!!


Nikki Hoover said...

We will be praying for you all and Reese this week. It breaks my heart that she (and you) has to go through this and I am so glad that she is young enough to not remember any of it!

Yes, we will be in Texas Oct. 15th-20th and can't wait to see you all!!