Thursday, September 18, 2008

2 girls in the hospital now

one day Kim will look back on today & laugh...probably won't be tomorrow though. Kim didn't fare so well when we were looking @ Reese in the icu. Reese appearred to be trying to take out some of her tubes/lines & Kim thought that she was in pain & down she went...Kim sat in the chair & basically fainted.

Kim is doing ok...she is recovering downstairs in the ER with a couple of bags of fluid in her until she gets her legs back under her. ER doc just wanted to run some tests just to make sure but he thinks it was simply too overwhelming for her, lack of sleep, anxiety, etc that led to the episode.

Reese is attempting to wake up...she has just a normal O2 tube in her nose & is still sedated as she is trying to wake up. Nurse says all of her numbers/readings are all perfect.

keep you posted on 2 of my 4 girls...keep your fingers crossed that my 2 @ school had a normal day (both grand-dads had to get them ready for school this morning).



aguhmom said...

kim & jason - its patti again. i am so thankful david shared your blog link today - we just got in from the coastal evacuation tues. nite - so blessed we are & yet it occupied my thoughts.far to much. God often gives us a bird's eye view into another's life & situations to keep life in perspective. ~hopefully kim is feeling better - just an f.y.i.
for you sweet young parents - having children is like having your heart outside your body with legs. you never know the depth smetimes till there you are
face to face w/"it" ; this unknown
hurtful thing that somehow affects your child. child being the operative word; parents never completely finish this task; b/c it is so completely connected to the heart. take care - prayers for all - especially this angel gir. patti

Nikki Hoover said...

Thanks for all the updates. So glad to hear that Reese is doing so well and we will continue to pray for a quick recovery. Praying for you and Kim also...I can't imagine what it's like to see your baby in those conditions. But like Kim said in a previous post, Thank God for modern medicine and what a blessing it is to have been able to fix that hole!
We love you guys.

Unknown said...

We were praying all morning. So sorry that Kim had to be forced to lie down!!! Can't wait to see all the Lord has accomplished through your family, Reese, & this day!!!

NANNY said...

Kim--cut that out!! As I headed down Central Expressway this morning I looked toward the hospital and prayed. As I sat in a waiting area of Children's Hospital today--I was reminded of your big day and prayed! As I read your updates, I praised!
Take care of yourselves--no--really!
Love, The Zeigers

Sally Buckley said...

Thanks for the updates... I'm checking them like crazy!!!! Uhhh... didn't really anticipate Kim in the ER, but no worries, just throw her on to the prayer chain because HE is holding strong. No wavering, no hiccups, nothing too big that he can't handle. We love you guys so much and are thrilled that you've allowed us to be part of this through prayer. As a relatively new mom, my heart completely stops for you, Kim. You are amazingly strong and courageous and what a blessing to your family and a wonderful example to me. All my love - sally

Rebecca said...

So sorry that Kim passed out! It is a hard thing for anyone to see a child hooked to a ventilator. I never have really gotten used to it either. It has been good to be reconnected with your family. I am glad that Andy is one of my reps. Your ears should be burning because he and I have been talking about you all during our lunches together. May God continue to protect Reese as well as the rest of your family as you walk through these next couple of weeks.

Jude & Jane Geroy said...

hey hason & kim - just wanted to let you know how glad we are to hear that the surgery went well and that Reese is recovering nicely. still prayin for you guys. keep us posted. jude