Thursday, September 18, 2008

In Surgery

The nurse just came out a few minutes ago and let us know that everything went well with the anesthesia. Dr. Mendeloff is now in and cutting her open and will then get her on the bypass machine. It will probably be close to an hour and a half until we hear anything again. We are in some pretty critical time over the next 2 and a half hours so please keep praying.

Handing her off was so hard but she did well. I have only competely lost it once. We have a pretty large crowd here in the waiting room which is helping us to not be so anxious. Again, thank you.

Much love,


aguhmom said...

Sweetest family - this is Patti Mills Gencarelli. (your dad's cousin in la porte) - it is my
deepest wish you feel surrounded
by our Father God & the Spirit.
you are covered by me & others
in deep prayer - just breathe.
blessings. . .patti

jch said...

praying today. may the peace of christ be upon you all.

peace -- Joe

aguhmom said...

hey guys - its me again (grin)
just thought of a song that just
hugs you - its called "Held" by
Natalie Grant. the words have
to be just God breathed. hope it
brings a more calm heart to all.
love you , patti