Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I just took a shower and weighed myself for the second time today. I've exercised three days in a row now and was hoping a couple pounds would have already slid such luck. I can recommend the Biggest Loser exercise video. Although this will let you in on my sad shape...the warm-up has my legs burning like fire...yup, just the warm-up! On a more serious note, I've really been desiring some change (don't know what change, not going for big change, but a change...just a tad of newness). I've been reading very slowly through John the past couple of weeks. You have to understand, my quiet times often consist of my Bible being propped up on my bathroom sink, while I brush my teeth, and have Reese holding onto my legs. But even through all of that God has been speaking to my heart through His Word. It's been refreshing. My biggest desires: I'd love to speak at women's retreats or to college students who are studying to go into ministry, and I'd love to publish some of my curriculum or write a short book. Things I need to push myself to look into, things definitely to pray for, things I'd like to pursue but often get too tired to pursue. I'd love for you to pray for the Lord to open doors and for me to look for opportunities.

My girls: great, as always. Have I ever mentioned how they make my heart sing? Please don't read: your girls are perfect. You never have bad days. Life in the Mills household must be amazingly hunky-dorie (don't you think I should get published with the usage of such enlightening words?). That isn't true. The dog barked incessently today at the man working on our neighbor's house. I know I looked like a complete fool chasing him up and down the back fence before I could catch him and drag him in the house. Ashlyn cried at least 3 times while her friend was over and Laney whined several times today over piddly stuff. Still, my girls are amazing.

Ashlyn got off of school early last Thursday and so we got to take her up to her old Mom's Day Out (where Laney and Reesie still go). Her preschool teacher had asked her to come up and read to her class. She sat on a big chair, and read two cute books, and then would turn the books around and show the kids (some of whom are already a head taller than her) the pictures. It was adorable. I, of course, forgot my camera even though I had thought about it at least 5 times leading up to the event. Thankfully, Ms. Jackie took some pictures which I hope to get and post at a later date. She loves to pick Reesie up and when you hear Reese complain from another room you know it's because Ashlyn has picked her up for the twelfth time in 5 minutes. They are forming a sweet bond though.

Laney-bear had pajama-pizza day at school last week. She loves to put make-up on even in the morning. Yesterday I came in the bathroom and she exclaimed that her hair glitter wasn't going on. Well...not that she could see. She had a nice glob of gold glitter in the back :0). She seems to be going through the stage that Ashlyn did around this time where she likes to change clothes. She still gets fixated on an outfit and likes to suggest wearing it twice a week. The yellow shirt and blue pants outfit will not be passed down to Reese. I just can't bear to see it anymore.

Reese is seriously so so cute! I wish I could put it into words. And she is all over the place. She likes to crawl up on her rocking chair and say weeee as she rocks back in forth. It's actually a tad scarey she rocks it so hard. She is a smart little thing and will do just about anything you say to her. We now have to close the door to the bathroom because I have found her more than once up on the second step of the stool holding overlooking the sink. She also walks holding onto anything that rolls like her stroller or grocery cart. She says "Ashey" and "Laney" and most days the first word out of her mouth when you pick her up out of the crib is puppy.

Jase got switched to a different store. With the economy there was a bit of a shake up in his company. We are very thankful that he still has a job, is still in the same position, and still has the same salary, as others were not as fortunate. While I do say I'm ready for some change and something new...him losing his job and us not being able to eat, isn't exactly what I'm thinking of. We will celebrate our 10th Anniversary in a few weeks! More on that later. Well that's us in a big nutshell. Happy Wednesday night to you!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Still Alive and Kickin'

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Since I have a propensity towards the thousand words sometimes I'll spare you, and instead share pictures. December in a nutshell: school parties, Christmas programs, traveling to Arkansas to be with family, ate and ate, slept in some, opened presents, went bowling, rode scooters, brought in the New Year with wonderful friends.

Happy New Year. We'll be back quicker than we were the last time hopefully. Enjoy!