Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sweet Moments in the Craziness

Okay, one of the things I treasure most is authenticity. To that end I have a confession to make...this is no news to my husband, but I've just been grumpy this past week. I don't know why but I am. I am tired. I have felt angry although not at anyone in particular or for any reason I can state. I have had a dull headache for days now. This, of course, does not give to me being a very good wife or mom which then makes me even more myself because I'm not being a very good wife or mommy to three precious little girls who take in everything I say and do. Blah.

That being said I'd like to share my favorite moment from this week so far. I have started reading the Christmas story out of Luke to the girls before bed. We started on Monday night with the angel coming to Mary and telling her that she was to become pregnant with the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. It brought up such a teachable moment as we talked about why this news would have been so scarey for Mary who was probably a young teenager at the time. Then we talked about the fact that sometimes God asks us to do things or endure things that are difficult and yet we should have the same response as Mary two thousand years ago, "May it be to me as you have said." I'm not going to lie. That both calms my heart and scares me.

The sweetest thing was our prayer time after that. Ashlyn prayed "Lord, when the going gets rough (didn't know she knews that expression) help us to be like Mary and say yes to you and trust you." Reese immediately started in with "Jesus, thank you for my family and please help the people, help the people..." (and we helped her finish that sentence). Laney prayed for the children that we took off the angel tree.... that people would take care of them. It was a sweet moment in the midst of these crazy few weeks, and it helped take some of the grumps away.

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