Thursday night we were out of food at the house and Ashlyn's school had Chic-fil-a night so I sent Jason and all 3 girls off to give myself an hour of quiet. The girls had been great all day. No matter what this is a house full of girls and you know that girls talk immensely more than boys ( I love communication so I'm not complaining). Howeve
r, I don't think Laney had stopped talking from the moment she got up that morning. It was quite amazing. So I ate in quiet for about 15 minutes which was heavenly and then got to work. I have to tell you, it is so hard for me to clean when the girls are at home. (So you can imagine how prestine my home is). It's amazing how much I can get done in a little over an hour when they aren't here.
However, it is now Saturday and it looks like nothing ever transpired. Oh joy.
Today I went to a lingerie shower of one of our girls who g
raduated from the youth group a couple of years back. Believe me, I'm old enough to where I've had a lot of students from my ministry get married and quite a few even have children now. Still, it is a reminder that I'm not a spring chick anymore. Ashlyn and Jason participated in our LifeGroup's service project which was painting an elderly woman's home. I love having intentional teachable moments with our children. Jase and I also had a "heated discussion." We don't yell or throw things or call each other unspeakable names (although I'm sure they're going through both of our heads). But I realize how little we heatedly discuss because the girls are always full of questions about why was I talking mad to daddy? What was daddy talking about? Etc.? I can only imagine the apprehension young children who live through ugly arguements with their parents all the time must feel.
Other random things:
1. I've had a dull headache for 3 days with the weather change (it's annoying)
2. Sometimes I think it would be wonderful to live near family. We sees ours pretty regularly but it'd be nice to have a little help or break on a regular basis. Again, no complaints...I love with girls and know the only reason I am blessed with so much laundry, dishes, talking, etc. is because I'm blessed with them.
3. Went to Ikea last night for the first time...IT IS SO COOL and inexpensive. I'm telling you, I'm going to do every bit of Christmas shopping there all in one day!
4. I've always wanted three children and it's hard to imagine more. Energy wise and financially it would be difficult. However, I can't stop thinking about having another one. Every time I see a pregnant woman I think about how wonderful it is (I guess I forget my 4 mos. of "morning" (A.K.A. "throughout most of the day") sickness and the tiredness.
5. The election stuff totally stresses me out.
6. I think about my mom a lot and wish she were still here (although I'm thankful she is with the Lord). Life would be different if she were here.
7. Jason will get up at 5am tomorrow to run 20 miles. He really does good and tries not to take time away from the family, but I'm always ready about now for the marathon to be here. Just a few more weeks.
If you made it through all of this, thanks. I do get curious who reads...if you think to leave a little comment just to appease my curiousity, I'd love it! Hope you have a good Sunday! Again, sorry for the spacing issues.
Hi Kim! We loved seeing you all the other night. I only wish we could have talked more! Maybe when football season is over we can meet halfway and really catch up.
Hi Kim!
I love reading your blog! I have it connected to a feeder that sends it to me whenever you post. I bet more people read this than you think.. ;)
Oh, and I know we're not family, but we love your girls and are always here -free of charge- when you need a break. Just let us know!
-Erin B
I am a faithful reader of your blog! I love keeping up with how you and your sweet family are doing! I'm pregnant with my second, Noah is his name (due Dec 10th). Eli is 16 months! Well...just wanted you to know that I am one of your blog followers :)
I ALWAYS enjoy reading your stories!!
Kim, your blog feels like a connection to a wonderful part of my past - what a joy it has been to "catch up" with your family! Your sweet girls are such a blessing to this mom of BOYS :)
it was so good to see you guys! I agree with Natalie...I wish we could have visited more. = (
Always enjoy reading your blog!
I agree completely with your comment about having another child. I think about it all of the time, but I don't know how I would do it. I know that I only have two, but Matthew is gone about half the time, and even when the ship is inport, he has to work a lot. I spend a lot of my time as a single parent, so I cannot imagine having a third, but I always wonder about it.
Kim! I am constantly checking to see if you have updates! (Even at work...even when you're in the next cubicle haha). And like Erin said, Matt & I are always available to help with anything! Your girls are precious!
Casey and I are constantly checking in to see what ya'll are up to. We hope to do something with ya'll soon.
Here's to satisfying your curiosity...
Your girls are so beautiful!
Oh, I just remembered that you might wonder about "just a traveller"...
It's Terri
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