Saturday, August 30, 2008

Running is annoying

Okay, if you can't tell by my title, I have not long ago returned from my usually only occurs about once every three months. Why? Because I can't stand it. (One other annoying thing...trying to fit these tiny fitted clothes onto these tiny Polly Pockets...who came up with these things? Sorry for the interupption, I was called on once again to attempt putting a new outfit on one of these Polly girls).

Anyways, back to running...what a miserable form of exercise. Since I can't seem to lose these last 4 lb.s of baby weight (and have another 4 on top to lose) I thought I'd give it a go again. I'm not kidding, after about 10 steps I begin thinking "How much longer? How much longer?" This thought continues for the remainder of the time. I have to coax myself to the next mailbox, that next bench, make it to the little wall... And I'm sure everyone passing by is wondering "Is she running? I mean her arms and legs look to be in that motion but she doesn't seem to be going anywhere..."

I arrive home having sweat enough to fill up 5 water bottles so after sitting and drinking some gatorade because I literally felt sick, I go get on the scale before I take a shower. Surely, that miserable experience dropped those last 4 pounds and I won't have to do this again. No such luck. Oh well. In a couple of hours I get to go have my hair cut and colored (professionally...wonders never cease) by a gal in our LifeGroup. I'm hoping to walk away from that looking as though I have dropped a few pounds and lost a few years :0).

By the way, I have put on four different outfits on Polly Pocket girls since beginning this post. Jase is home now though, and Laney just asked him...oops, spoke to soon she's back to me now. See you later!

1 comment:

Boerckel said...

You have the BEST stories!!!