Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Birthday Getaway

Our precious Reese Ellery turned two on Saturday! Our kind and generous church friends, the Haywoods, once again blessed us by allowing us to head out to their lake house. You know the one...where we a few months ago had our best family vacation ever! Well, this year she completely got that the birthday thing was all about her! If you'd ask whose birthday was coming up she'd proudly and loudly proclaim "Mine!" Grandparents had sent their gifts early in the week and so for several days she would hand me a present and ask if she could open it. We let her open one big one the day before we left. She is quite pleased with her fancy pink car! And she especially loves it when someone will push her really fast! She just laughs and laughs.

Here is the birthday cake...made with love from Mommy, Ashlyn and Laney.
She usually rushes into her class at school and immediately goes for a baby doll or the vacume cleaner so she got her very own for her birthday. She also got a baby doll that she has been pretty inseparable with.

All three cuties in another gift...
We took the big girls out mudding on the four-wheelers this time and they are absolutely hooked! You could just hear them giggling as we drove through the mud.

Laney Hope

Who doesn't love to get dirty?
Ashlyn and Daddy

Feeding the horses carrots each day was still a highlight.An extra special treat was having my brother, sister-in-law, and cute nephew join us in the fun. We kept prodding them all weekend to be the ones to buy their own lakehouse and horses for the family to use at their disposal. Come on? What do you say?

Cousins and best of friends...
We got some fun family pics out there. I'll probably post more in the near future.
They make my heart sing!!!

And one picture of Reesie and Laney before school on Monday. Andy, Kelly and Drew bought her this outfit for her b-day and I just think she looks adorable in it!

Our sweet Reesie, We couldn't have picked a more perfect fit for our family. You are so much fun and full of so much joy! It is such a reflection of the Father's heart and we feel a little bit closer to Him because of you. We love you sweet girl!

1 comment:

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

Happy Of Happiest Birthdays to her!!All of your girls are precious and I enjoy reading all about them.