Friday, February 20, 2009

One of those days

Today has definitely been a day and it's only 1 o'clock. It started when I came out in the morning and Ashlyn was already up watching cartoons. When she saw me, guess what wonder she told me? Yuppers, her stomach hurt. I don't know what the deal is. But it took her over 20 minutes just to get dressed and there were many tears and cries of exasperation. I almost had to have her get in the car without having her teeth and hair brushed...that would have been a nice treat for her classmates.

Came back home and had about an hour of everything being calm again before I decided to take a shower. I usually take it at night so I don't have to even think about people being in the bathroom with me or have Reese cry for me. And i am right in thinking this way. Reese cried pitifully for the entire time I was in the shower...SOBBED actually.

We then tried to venture to Target where I grocery shop. Laney always has to go to the bathroom while we are there. However, she had gone 15 minutes before we left so I didn't think it necessary to have her go again. We got halfway through to the very back of the store when, of course, she had to tee tee again. I promise you that it only happens when we get to the very back of the store (any store designer reading this...any mom on the planet would be thrilled to have a bathroom in the front and the back). Up we go. After this she decided then to whine and cry the entire rest of the time. I said no to her plead for goldfish and even put back the fruitsnacks she had asked for. Truly, it was a lovely scene. It's not like she threw a tantrum or was even yelling, just 110% whiney and crying. One check-out woman told me I was a strong mom. The other asked if I was a teacher? I hope these were compliments, and not them hoping I would just give her the stinkin' goldfish so she'd put an end to the wambulance. It is so much easier to give in, especially to Laney. She is obnoxiously persistant.

Came home, fed the girls and put Reese down for a nap. I told Laney she had to have quiet time in her room. It was a nice 1/2 hour where I could eat my own lunch and watch Family Fued. She has since come out several times and is now crying in my room.

Ah, the joys of motherhood. Thankfully, this is not a normal occurance. Still, I'm ready for my own nap.

1 comment:

Nikki Hoover said...

a friend of ours is going to Dallas in April and asked me to put together a list of our favorite things to do and see...well needless to say that little exercise made me really miss Dallas! So, I really enjoyed catching up on your blog and getting a glimpse into your lives this morning while I'm missing everyone in Texas. I'm so thankful for facebook and blogging!!

Glad you and Jason were able to enjoy a weekend away for your anniversary!