Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well, it is definitely time to wrap up Christmas. I will try to keep my words to a minimum.

Christmas Eve we were blessed with a beautiful snow...probably about 3 inches. It was fun to go to the Christmas Eve service in the true snow flurry that we had. I felt like it was a special treat from the Lord to us Texans! Sorry a lot of the pictures are dark. I forgot to ask Santa for a new camera. Below is Reesie and Daddy outside sprinkling reindeer food on the snow.

Us after the Christmas Eve service.

Honestly, when all the gifts for everyone are out I get embarassed by how many there are. I mention this out loud probably every year and I always get crazy looks. Please know that we are well aware that God has been so good to us.

The girls opened their one Christmas Eve gift and lo and behold! It was matching Christmas pj's....shocker :0)! As you can tell, we were blessed to have Uncle Andy, Aunt Kelly, and Drew join us for Christmas which made it even more special.

The cookies and notes for Santa:

Look close and read Ashlyn's note to Santa. This came a week after she asked for about the 10th time about Santa's "realness." Let's suffice it to say that tears flowed and the question of why people would lie about such a thing also came. (aka: Mommy & Daddy, you teach me not to lie so why are you doing so to us). Not the fondest parental moment. I think we salvaged why the tradition of St. Nick carries on.

Our big gift to the girls was a dollhouse.

I'm sad to say that i don't have any pictures of my wonderful sister-in-law. Poor Kelly spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning puking. I didn't think it appropriate to ask someone to hold her hair back while I captured a shot!
Little britches has learned to make silly faces for the camera and will ask you to take a picture of her silly face.
She then asked for us all to make silly faces:
May you be blessed in the New Year!
I will be back soon. God has really been speaking to my heart through His Word lately and I want to share. Plus, today Gracious Legacy Foundation became official! I can't wait to share and recruit your help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh I love yall!