Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's no secret...

I love summer!  I mean, I really loooove summer!  Always have.  Always will. 
Why, you ask?
1.  As a mom, I love having more time with my girls!
2.  I'll take 100 degree heat over 40 degree cold any day! (and yes, 40 is cold)
3.  I love tanned faces.  Here are some of my favorites:
4.  Can I get an "amen, hallelujah!" to not having to get up and get going by 7:30 in the morning?
5. I love that it's sunny almost all of the time.
6.  I adore that it stays light later into the night.
7.  Extra play time with extra fun friends does my heart good.  Here's one night that made my heart full:
8.  I truly enjoy being at the pool...kinda wish we could do it all year 'round!
9.  Walks at 8:30pm
10.  Fresh corn on the cob...even better, eating fresh corn on the cob outside for dinner.

And there you have it, my top 10 reasons for the night.  (Okay, and an extra one just for fun...wearing flip flops every. single. day.)


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