Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beautiful Lengths from a Beautiful Girl

Many of you already know, but Ashlyn has been growing out her hair for a good year and a half in order to donate it to make a wig for a woman who has last her hair due to cancer treatments.  We searched out L*cks of Love and P*ntene's Beautiful Lengths, and decided to go with Beautiful Lengths.  Well, today those pretty locks of hers got cut.  Here are a couple before shots:
 A couple in process pics:
And the beautiful finished product:

Sweet girl, you are beyond beautiful on the outside!  However, your heart is true gold and has a beauty that only your Heavenly Daddy can give you.  I am so proud of you and love you to the moon and back!


Ruth Ronk said...

Ok, this is just kind of weird! I was just scrolling through 'next blog' and come across yours about 4 blogs down/up from mine. I perused the latest couple of posts for a moment and noticed several things we have in common! 1. My daughter, also, has grown out her hair and given it away. She's done it twice and she chose Locks of Love. 2. My blog is called Just the Girls: Real Beauty, and I use the phrase 'beautiful girl' a LOT! My daughter (14) and I work on the blog together, she's a photographer working on a project learning about what makes 'real' women, and girls, beautiful. (just like your daughter giving her hair away makes HER beautiful!) 3. I tease my brother and sister-in-law all the time because about 2 years ago they Rogers, work with a church plant there. (The teasing part is me saying, "WHO in the world moves to Rogers, Arkansas!?) It'd be extra weird if you know them, their last name is Ronk.
Anyway, check out our blog if you like, it is JustTheGirlsRealBeauty.blogspot

Daddy B said...

And what a beautiful granddaughter she is! Inside and outside. I love you, Ashlyn.
