Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Carrying Stones

"Today you will know that the living God is among you." Joshua 3:10
"'Take 12 stones from the very place where the priests are standing in the middle of the Jordan. Carry them out and pile them up...' We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future your children will ask you, 'What do these stones mean?' Then you can tell them..." Josh. 4:3, 6-7
The Almighty God had already had His people cross over the Red Sea on dry ground and allowed the waters to swallow up their enemies. He fed them manna and quail in the middle of the desert. He had led them around by His presence in the day by a pillar of cloud and all night long too, by a pillar of fire. He made His presence known.
Yet, once again, for the next generation of Israelites, He made sure that they wouldn't forget His presence, His provision, His power. And so He told them to carry some rocks from the middle of a river which flooded at this time of year but that He held back once again...just for them.
Moving has been a little tougher than I thought it would be...on me. Jason is enjoying his job. Laney had a few days where adjusting to school was rough but otherwise, all 3 girls have done fabulously. I am so grateful.
But I miss my friends. I miss being around people who have become family to us in Dallas, being around those who know us well and love us well, and that we strive to know and love well in return. I really miss being in ministry. I know, I know....it's only been 2 1/2 weeks. But I miss that purpose in my life.
I don't cry everyday, and I do my best not to complain at all to those around me. However, I have cried into my mexi chip and dips from Bueno (which honestly taste better in Texas). There are moments everyday where I think to myself..."I just want to go home."
The Lord has placed many passages of Scripture on my heart and mind. Usually, late at night when I'm lying in bed. Probably, when a moment of "I just want to go home" has hit in my tired, more emotional state. One of the passages was this one. And so I am choosing to carry stones.
Stones that are big enough to be remembered. Stones that might be heavy to carry. Stones that will give Him glory and remind me that the living God is among me. Stones that I can remind myself of what He has done and where He has led. Stones I can one day tell my children and grandchildren about.
One stone...the Lord set change upon my heart well over a year and a half before this move even came. This is a stone of graciousness because I am a gal who loves stability and routine.
Another stone...the Lord literally dropped this job in Jason's lap. We didn't seek it out. We weren't prepared for it. This is a stone of guidance. Oh, how I would question even more this move if we had made this happen on our own.
Yet, another stone... the encouragement of other people. Even those closest to us, who would miss us the most, who cried tears with us over moving, have felt a peace and given us encouragement in the transition. My heart has needed this stone of confirmation from the Lord, given through His precious people, and our dearest friends.
I am praying for more stones. I am pretty sure that I'll still want to "go home" often over the next few months. Yet, I want to build a memorial. A memorial that belongs and points to Christ alone...in my heart, in my mind, in my life. A memorial that I can point back to and overflows a story of Him in my life and in the life of our family.
Even if they feel heavy at times, I will carry stones...and pray to do so with joy.

1 comment:

Daniel and Carrie Moore said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. It's such a great reminder of God being so faithful to us. I can relate a little to how you feel. I wasn't in Dallas as long as you but I tell Daniel often that I really miss my friends. It was such a special time. I hope that adjustment continues to go well. I'm happy that God is revealing Himself to you :)