Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There is a white-bearded Gampa whose girls love him very, very much.
He takes them to favorites like IHOP and reads to them 'til mom says "time to stop."
He swings them real high and cheers while they ride.
He even brings lunch to their school.
He plays lots of games and tells them they're smart.
He is, by their definition, so cool.
A Gampa like you is one to adore.
Please visit us more all the girls do implore!
I wish I could tell you Ashlyn was studying poems at school and so I decided to join in her efforts just now. But no...just decided to do something different. My dad will enjoy it though. Hopefully, he won't send me any editing back on my post however...right Dad?!
As you can tell Gampa came to visit us a little over a week ago. He took Ashlyn lunch and ate with her at school a couple of times, read more books than you can count, and treated us to Mexican food a couple of times. Poor guy can't get Mexican food up in Pennsylvania. There are quite a few reasons why PA isn't where I'd want to live (sorry, but true) and that's got to be up there on my list. I'm amazed he hasn't whittled away since moving up there a few years ago. What am I saying? The man will eat anything. In fact, while he was down in Texas he ate livers and onions twice. Thankfully, not in my presence. Because, well, to term a four year old..."Eeeew!"
He started a tradition when Ashlyn was itty bitty of taking her on dates Saturday morning to IHOP. She loved it and looks forward to it every time they are together. Each granddaughter has been added to the venture and it's a special time for all of them now. Yes, the old man managed to take all three of them by himself!
Reese over the past week has said to me several times "I want Gampa." I know how she feels...I stood on the corner and cried after he drove away. We love you Dad! So glad you came!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you penned an ode and not an odious note. 8-) It was downright illiterative . . . oops, I mean alliterative. I loved it and the pix.
