Sunday, April 25, 2010

Let the Birthday Celebrations Begin...

Our Laney-lou turns 5 on Tuesday. I really can't believe it. Saturday was celebration number 1 with all of her friends. Her request was a Fancy Nancy Party. The night before Laney and Daddy had some fun time together and outside he drew a special picture just for her! A cool thing we did this year at our Youth leader's Christmas party was have our gift exchange be something meaninful rather than our normal goofy white elephant. Everyone had to bring a gift of themselves. Some people brought artwork, some offered photo shoots, free meals, etc. One gal offered to throw a free kids birthday party. Guess what I chose? After the girls went to be Friday night the gals came over and decorated. Here are some pics of the girls Saturday morning completely surprised. It was better than Christmas!
At the party everything was fancy. There was nail painting!

Getting hair and make-up done (thanks, Aunt Jen)!
Decorating butterfly placemats. Aren't all the girls so cute! We had 14 of them at our house...all so sweet and polite, and especially fancy!
Of course we ate flower-shaped sandwiches, fruit kabobs, cinnamon twists, had cute cupcakes and ice cream in fancy cups to boot!
Here is one of my all-time favorite pics of my big girl! I love it. She is so beautiful inside and out, but oh, she is no longer a baby and part of that makes my heart a little sad.
May all your dreams come true...
What's a party without some dancing?
Lots of fun friends...
Laney with the best party hostesses around. Thank you, thank you, thank you Carrie, Cozette and Lindsey! It was fabulous!
These girls are like sisters...
The fam all dolled up for our special birthday girl!
Happy birthday, sweet girl! You deserve to be celebrated! Love you! Love you!
I'll be back later in the week to celebrate our Laney Hope a little bit more.


Daniel and Carrie Moore said...

I love Fancy Nancy! So cute seeing your girls all dolled up! :)

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

I hope Laney had an awesome birthday yesterday!! We were thinking of her, hopefully she got her birthday gift in time!