tug of war
the backwards scooter race
and the hippity hop race (which you can tell was way bigger than she!)
All of us girls have gotten our cute summer haircuts!
tug of war
First off, beyond a shadow of a doubt I know that God knows what is best for each family. Secondly, while we are 95% sure we're done (okay, I'm 95% and Jase is 99.9%) having children, even if we had a fourth I actually would desire to have another girl. Thirdly, I have worked for over 10 years with teenagers and have a brother, and other than weddings, I don't believe girls are more expensive. Fourth, I look very forward to having sons one day. I am guessing and praying that I will have three sons one day...all who love Jesus greatly and cherish my daughters second only to the King. But I look forward to these sons joining my family as adults. Men who know how to aim for the toilet, who don't need to hit, jump, yell or shoot most objects nearby, and have a little more control over their bodily noises.
Please all my friends with precious sons, don't hear me putting you down in any way. I am so thankful for you. You are raising the godly, precious sons that my daughters could one day possibly marry. If for some reason God were to bless us with a son now we would be so excited. I'm just saying, please people, don't act as if the world isn't aright if a family is blessed with all daughters. I feel blessed more than words can say.
Now that that is off my chest...