Friday, August 5, 2011

I Never Knew I Could Love...

...someone so much until a precious 7lb. 7oz. baby girl came into my life 9 years ago.  That end of July night it literally felt like my heart beat out of my chest so full of love, and it has never been the same since.
I need to scan in some baby pics of this sweet girl but here she is at her 4th birthday.  Isn't she the cutest?
Fall of 2007
I love this picture.  It captivates so much of who our Ashlyn is: joyful, sweet, kind, easy to laugh.
My Precious Ashlyn Jean,  You are no longer a little girl, and yet I am so proud of the young lady you are becoming.  You are the daughter every parent dreams of...loving, kind, considerate, smart, beautiful in every way inside and out.  Your heart for the Lord and for your family make me love Jesus even more.  My heart never knew I could love so much until you came along.  You have brought us such joy, and we are blessed beyond measure to be given the gift of you for our family.  I love you, sweet girl.  Happy 9th birthday!
Love forever and always and even more than that, Momma 

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