Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Sweet Firstborn

Each of my children hold such a special place in my heart. I love all of them more than life itself. My Ashlyn Jean, is my firstborn, and that alone makes her special. She is the first one to expose me to the overwhelming love a mother's heart holds for her children. I can honestly remember thinking within seconds of her being born, tears streaming down my face and my husband's, that I would die for her.

So far, out of all three of my girls, she is the most like me. I'm telling you the girl is definitely mine. Not only in looks but personality as well. There is something precious in the fact that she is my only daughter to be held here on earth by her Nana, my mom. My mom was there when she was born. And the reality is that when Mom went Home two months later, Ashlyn was the gracious gift from God (which is literally what her middle name means) that got me out of bed in the morning and encouraged me to go on.

She is so, so kind-hearted. She shares better than any child I have ever met. She has impeccable memory. She prays in a way that I know makes the Lord smile. She thinks and asks about Mom which brings a smile to my heart as well.

And honestly the girl is quite funny and mature for her age. A couple of funny stories. She loves the Fancy Nancy books my dad has given her. (Sidenote...I highly recommend these books for any little girl). Anyways, one shows a picture of how Fancy Nancy has made her room fancy. Ashlyn, after reading the book, looks at me and asks if there is anything fancy she can use to decorate her room. She asks about several different objects...none of which I have. Then she casually says outloud. "Well, I would like my room to be fancy too but my mom thinks it would be too messy...maybe I should blog about that!"

One of my best friends, who the girls call Aunt Jen, was over a few weeks ago too watching the girls while Jase and I went to dinner for his birthday. She asked Jen "Are you married yet? " I didn't know but she always asks Jen this question.

Jen-"Nope. Not yet...keep praying for me."
Ashlyn- "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Jen- "No."
Ashlyn- "Do you know who you want to marry?"
Jen- "No. Not yet."
Ashlyn- "Did you skip the grades?"
Jen- "Skip the grades?"
Ashlyn- "Yea, did you do kindergarten and first grade and stuff?"
Jen- "Yes."
Ashlyn- "Did you finish high school?"
Jen- "Yes."
Ashlyn- "Did you finish college?"
Jen- "No."
Ashlyn- "Well, maybe if you finished college you would have a husband by now!"
Jen- "You know Ashlyn, I've thought the same thing :)!"

Aaahh, there are so many things I love about this girl! She makes my heart happy!

(The girls with Aunt Jen)

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