Thursday, June 12, 2008

don't fly away too quickly

My precious Reese turned 7 mos. old on Saturday. I can't believe it!
She is so incredibly sweet that it's hard to put into words. She grins from ear to ear for her sisters, laughs like crazy when I kiss her neck, and does the happy baby bouncing when you hold her and she's excited.
On Sunday I noticed her first tooth barely cutting through the gum. For my daughters, 7 mos and getting a first tooth is early. I have had to keep myself from crying several times (and not because I'm still nursing). It's hard to explain, because I desire greatly for my girls to be healthy and grow, to watch them flourish and develop into who God has created them to be. I have thoroughly enjoyed each stage my girls have gone through. But how quickly they grow makes me sad sometimes. I feel like I'm going to blink and they'll be flying out of our nest all too soon.
I love the baby much they love and trust and depend on me. I love the cuddling and the way my heart beats even faster with joy as Reese reaches out for me and squeels when she is in my arms. It's an indescribable joy. And since more than likely Reese will be our last it makes each first so bittersweet. My father-in-law is holding out for another Mills baby...David, don't hold your breath...but moments like these make me think I'll just keep having babies until my body gives out (now Jase is about to have a heart attack reading this I'm sure). And then there are many moments that bring me back to reality and says 3 precious ones are just perfect for our family. Lord Jesus, help me to carry these moments close to my heart and cherish each passing second.

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