Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Seven is so sweet

This sweet girl turned 7 the end of last month.  I can't believe it.

 The Lord began to heal my heart from losing my mom in many ways when she was born.  A new joy entered our home and it has never left.
 All our Laney Hope wanted was a slumber party, so that's what our girl got. 

 So many sweet friends...
 ( Sweet, but not a shy or quiet group.)

 Sweet sisters, and the best of friends.
Laney-bear, What a precious girl you are.  Joy in the purest form.  Love uninhibited.  You make our hearts smile and we love you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes!!


strat said...

It's my lucky number. I always keep that.

Daniel and Carrie Moore said...

They are so big! :( Can't believe it. They're so cute and looks like y'all are having tons of fun. Love to your family :)