Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So Proud of my Girls

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank Christ for the 3 sweet girls who call me mom each day.  They stole my heart long ago and i feel tremendously blessed. 

All 3 of my girls hold a special place in my heart and bless me beyond what I deserve.  It truly feels like they are part of God's goodness wrapped up in petite little girl bodies.  Reese brings my soul such peace and calmness.  If you know her, you know she isn't shy and quiet.  She doesn't just sit in a corner and smile over at me throughout the day.  She is full of life and love and joy!  She is so funny, so imaginitive, and so bright.  Yet, there is something in her that truly soothes me to the core of my being.  If something is bothering me or I feel sad, I'll often just have her snuggle up next to me or even sneak in her room at night after she's gone to bed just to lay next to her for awhile.  I am so thankful for the Lord's blessing of peace through her in my life.

Laney brings me joy unimaginable.  I've shared before what a people magnet our girl is, and i can't help but experience the Lord's pure joy and uninhibited love through her.  I think one of my favorite things about her is how unassuming she is.  I know she is a child and some of it is her age, but most of it is simply who she is.  I wish I had more of that in me than I do.  I assume too much when I give my answers and too much when I get them.  She takes people and what they say at face value and it makes you want to be around her.  She is uninhibited in her love, her laughter, her joy.  She makes my heart sing and there are so many things in her that I hope rub off onto me.

Then there is my Ashlyn Jean.  Oh, she is my faithful one.  And her faithfulness reminds me so much of God's faithfulness.  She is good.  She is kind.   She is forgiving.  She is beautiful, inside and out.  God has given her such insight and discernment and a heart to love people and show them kindness.  She gets what is truly important and it brings life, the Lord's Life, simply by being around her.  Her middle name, my mom's first name, means God's graciousness and she is every bit of that in my life.  

About a month and a half ago she came up with the idea of Kindness Cakes.  What she decided was that she could bake cakes, cookies, cupcakes and then whatever money people pay her, she will donate to people in need.  We have friends of ours who started His Chase in honor of their precious little boy, Chase, who went to be with the Lord 2 years ago.  Through His Chase (www.hischase.org) they help orphans in Africa.  Ashlyn has chosen that her money will go to them and last week sent in over $85.  None of this was my idea.  It was the Lord at work in her.  Here are a couple of the cakes she has made...again, all on her own.

 I am so thankful for the way Christ loves me through these 3 precious ones.  I am so thankful they are mine.


Anonymous said...

you seem like such a great mom... no wonder you were blessed with 3 sweet girls... XO

The 'Smarty Pants' Family said...

Cute family:)

Glenna said...

Kim, I am always blessed by your Blog entries. You are a special godly woman, wife and mother. Your Momma is mighty proud of you and will tell you so when we all meet again. I am "mighty proud" of you and can tell you now on her behalf. Love and blessings to you and your precious family.