Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well, I promised some of my favorite family pictures and here they are for your royal
viewing pleasure.
Let me update you with some exciting new regarding my gift baskets. THANK YOU by the way for all of the great ideas and encouragement you posted or e-mailed me. So very helpful! And a humongous thank you to my friend, Jeni! My wonderful CPA friend is donating her time to set up this little project as a 501(c)3 which means all dontions will be tax deductible! Plus, she is going to help with the accounting end of things. Yay, Jesus! I talked with a local hospital's oncology department today and they are very excited. My heart has been filled with joy today. I'll keep you posted!

Let's see...we'll go in the order they are lined up here. Laney Hope is 4 1/2 now and I love this age. Today I went outside and helped her with her "conection" (a.k.a. collection) of brightly colored leaves and purple flowers. One of the most precious things lately is I'll be playing my Steve Fee CD (yes, once in a blue moon I change out the Toddler Tunes CD) and the song "Lift up your hands" comes on. I'll see her lift up her hands and sing along. I don't think she has seen anyone else do this and it makes my heart swell to see her sweet little heart worship Jesus this way. She continues to have the cutest little crush on a boy named Matthew that goes to our church and her school. Seriously, C-U-T-E!

Reese Ellery is one fun girl. She enjoys singing "Oh Happy Day...You wash my sin away!" She also must do a song at school that has the word hallelujah because she'll do the sweetest little melody of "haleloolah!" She also lies on her back, places her arms crossed behind her head and tells you "I'm just relaxin'!" And she likes to grin real big and tell you "I'm just teasin!" Where does she get this? She has a sensitive heart and if she thinks you're upset with her will burst into tears.

Ashlyn Jean is growing up before my very eyes. She has joined Girl Scouts and after only attending one meeting I am convinced will love it! It's right up her ally with girl friends and craft projects. The other day Jason said there was a lipstick commercial on with a girl wearing bright red lipstick. Ashlyn did a double-take and then told him "Now that's the color lipstick I want to wear!" (oh goodness!) A couple of weeks back I also found a fun message written in lipstick on my bathroom mirror which read, "A dog loves M dog." You know...Ashlyn loves Mommy!

And my man. Well, I love him too. A whole lot. He is training for another marathon in about a month. He ran 17 miles Sunday. In fact, to honor his amazing wife (I know her and she is quite amazing...tee hee), he got up and ran those 2 1/2 HOURS (I know...crazy) by 7:30 am so that he could help me get the girls ready for church. Love him! Love him! Now if he'd only burn some calories for me :0)

1 comment:

Daniel and Carrie Moore said...

Those pictures are so sweet! I love the kissing one! Your girls are so adorable. We will gladly watch them anytime for you so please take a date night! We so appreciate your family and how awesome you've been with keeping Alli. So encouraging to read your blog :)