Friday, September 18, 2009

God of great wonders!

This picture of sweet Reesie was taken just a few moments ago...
This was of her last year...

You see, on this day last year at this time of day, I was lovingly surrounded by family and friends. I was watching a tv screen that told me what part of the open heart surgery my baby girl was in. I was just waiting for a kind nurse to come out and let me know that everything was going okay. I was praying for an amazing surgeon named Dr. Mendeloff.
The picture above actually isn't of her on the day of surgery. It's the day after. I don't have any of her after her surgery that day because I, in wonderful fashion of a mother who loves her child desparately, passed out when I saw her with all the million tubes coming out of her body, and had to be taken to the E.R. Nice, huh?! Thankfully, I sat down realizing it was happening and didn't hit my head on anything.

Can I tell you the one of the things I remember most about that day and the couple of days before hand? I had never felt the truth of Philippians 4:7 which tells us "you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" until this time. I wish I could explain it but I can't. But it was totally supernatural. I literally felt carried by the Lord because of the prayers people were praying on our behalf.
I mean, let's be honest, I am a (not proud) worrier. I love my kids more than life itself and thinking about something happening to one of them scares me to death. Here is my normal day to day life: when I walk down a flight of stairs carrying one of my daughters I think about what would happen if I tripped. When I drive through stoplights with the girls in my car, a lot of times I think about the horrendous possibility of an accident. God has rescued me from a lot of my fear, but there are days where these thoughts creep in. So to be completely at peace on a day where my child was being cut open, her tiny heart stopped and operated on,
and then prayerfully it starting again...well, it's nothing short of a miracle.

And that is the God we serve, a "God of great wonders!" (Ps. 77:14)

Father, today we celebrate the life of precious Reese Ellery Mills, that you have given us not just once but twice. And we celebrate that you are a God of miracles...big and small! You deserve all praise! Thank you.


jch said...

Thank you for sharing these intimate memories with us, Kim. It draws us closer to you, yes, but more importantly, to God.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Daniel and Carrie Moore said...

It is so amazing to see little Reese now so happy and healthy! I remember Daniel telling me how things were at the hospital that day. Now that we have Alli I seriously can only imagine what it must have been like for you and Jason! Thanks for sharing. Your story is such an encouragement.