Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life with three princesses

Let me just begin the story with this..."What can stop a bigwheel dead in its tracks? A fluffy, pink princess dress!" That's right, we had a little adventure tonight as we went on our walk. After much deliberating and changing of minds the girls finally decided the best mode of transportation would be the double stroller and Laney's Dora bigwheel/tricycle. Ashlyn and Reesie were in the stroller and Laney started on the bigwheel...complete with Dora song streaming from it. Well, the poor girl still can't quite reach the pedals well enough to go very well. So, after moving about 20 feet from our house she decided it would be better if Ashlyn rode it. So, we stopped and they changed.

Have I mentioned that this walk/ ride came immediately following dinner? Once again, Ashlyn wanted a fancy dinner and so she and Laney came dressed in their dress-up clothes. We were told by Ashlyn that she was to be called Queen Nancy. Laney was Princess Fiona, Reese was Little-bits Princess, I was the Godmother, and Jason was Master. I told the girls I thought Jason should be Donkey (Laney's been on a Shrek kick the last couple of days), but they didn't budge. I then tried Farmboy...again, no such luck. Anywho, Laney was decked out in a sequenced halter top with a see-through tu-tu skirt. Ashlyn had on a fru-fru pink princess dress. This is how they chose to take our walk around the neighborhood. Except, Ashlyn added her new blue clogs (oh yes) and Laney added shorts so no one could see her panties.

Well, more than once, Ashlyn's humongous pink dress got caught in the wheels of the tricycle and had Queen Nancy come to a screeching halt. It was hilarious! After awhile Laney thought she'd give the Dora thing a try again (so Jason readjusted the seat once again). Amazingly enough her legs still weren't long enough. Now Jason and I took turns hunching over to push Princess Fiona. Soon Little Bits Princess decided she would rather be out of the stroller. Now, Jason is holding her (whose hair blew in the warm breeze and looked like a hair-do that you might see on Lyle Lovett or Donald Trump) while pushing Ashlyn in the stroller. I am hunched over with Laney. We dropped off the Dora bike and continued on. After about 62 different changes of seating positions and stopping to visit with friends, we finally made our 2 block trek home in over 30 minutes time. But you know, that's life with three little princesses! I wouldn't change a thing.

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